What's going on in the kitchen...?

Food, its preparation and enjoyment are also part of our everyday life on board. With our reduced kitchen items, supplies and a selection of seasonal freshness, we want to make the menu as varied as possible. The focus has shifted to pre-cooking for the crossings or sailing stages. We already know what works best: the pressure cooker and the potato bag for the microwave.

We are fans of barley soup, chilli sin carne and pasta bolognese (with meat or without soy). We noticed the swedes on the vegetable shelves and with inputs from the family we made a fine stew from them. After Christine's "craving" for fries and Gregor's for chicken increased, we were able to do that in our mini oven. To be reminded of our old home from time to time, Rösti and dried beans are of course also part of our menu.

So that we don't experience a flop at Christmas, we have already taken the opportunity to test goose legs in the roasting bag in our oven. This time, however, with canned red cabbage. We will keep improving! And the current crowning glory is of course everything that can be made from fish you have caught yourself. During a fishing campaign we caught six cod - fried as fillet, Fiskeboller (traditional norwegian fishballs) and fish burger - very fine...

And recently we started with fusion cuisine: Today we had reindeer with röschti....
